KCR Trainer

Eilee MacGradh
KCR Trainer

I have a lifetime of experience of working in healthcare around the world. I worked for over 18 years as a RSN and Midwife and then spent a further 24 years as the owner and head therapist of the Slainte Wellness Centre in the USA. There I provided multiple Holistic disciplines, classes, and intuitive counselling sessions.

In recent years my focus has shifted, a direct result of learning KCR. The Gold Standard Bodywork Protocol. I am constantly awed by how speedily my clients respond to KCR, and how they are able to release pain and discomfort caused by either physical or emotional trauma. I am constantly amazed how quickly KCR restores my clients’ bodies back to balance and pain free health.

I am now delighted to offer KCR treatments and the fully certified 2 Day KCR training course in Co Down NI and also in Pennsylvania USA.

I am looking forward to begin treating and teaching from our new clinic ‘Change and Transformation’. I am honoured to be able to share this healing gift with anyone who is ready to take their personal health or their therapeutic abilities to the next level.

For more information, Treatments, Classes, and all other services please call.   USA   001 610 442 4973

Course Dates


Mob: 07500 734646
KCR Academy

Website & Social

Web: http://www.kcracademy.com