For Beauty Therapists

Why Beauty Therapists Recommend KCR

KCR provides the perfect opportunities for Beauty Therapists who wish to upgrade their skills and offer a full body restoration service to clients

Great for Business

Increases Competitiveness and The Range Services You Offer Your Clients

Great for Clients

Clients Love the Holistic Total-Body Approach KCR Offers

Great for Results

Immediate Powerful Restorative and Rejuvenating Results

Beauty Therapists are amazed at what a powerful tool for restoring physical balance Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) is.

Be KCR confident that with this easy to learn bodywork technique you can up your game and restore, rejuvenate and revitalise your clients’ bodies.

Plus, you will learn how to release a whole range of painful physical conditions that will set you apart from your competition.

The results are immediate and long lasting. No additional equipment is needed.

Great for creating new combination packages that will delight your clients and keep them feeling fabulous.

KCR fixed the repetitive strain injury in my wrists in moments which meant I could continue working. I’ve never looked back and now I offer this service to all my clients. They love it and tell everybody. Now I’m fully booked months in advance. A.J Beauty Therapist UK

So, if you want to discover how you can upgrade your skills build your business and offer a great new service – book your KCR course today.

Entry Requirements: No previous bodywork experience required.

Course Duration: Two Days (14 hands-on hours) Book a Course Today.

Qualification Obtained: Certificate of Completion of KCR Protocol enabling full, immediate implementation.
Further Accreditation can be obtained after completion which includes access to full membership privileges.

The Course Teaches: Kinetic Chain Release is a simple yet extremely effective system of medically and scientifically recognised and approved series of gentle mobilisations and stretches as developed by Scottish Physiotherapist Hugh Gilbert.

You will be taught the complete, twenty three step Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) protocol in a classroom setting with hand-on experience.

You will learn how to deliver Kinetic Chain Release (KCR), include it in your practice,  and manage practical steps such as insurance and eventual accreditation.

Plus – this foundation course opens the gateway to the KCR Academy Pathway to Bodywork Mastery 

Two Day Course Fee: £360.00
Hours: 09:00 – 17:00
Payment Options: Fee £360.00 payable on booking. Contact your KCR Trainer for details and for Course Location.

Class sizes are limited in order to provide a comfortable learning environment with plenty of personal attention from instructors and teaching assistants. We recommend early registration to avoid disappointment.

Doors open at 8:30 for sign-in. Class time runs from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm both days, with a one-hour lunch break from 12:30 to 1:30. We aim to begin and end promptly for those with travel arrangement requirements.

This course is held at various locations which you can choose at the next step.

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When can I start using KCR?

When you have completed the KCR Level 1 course and are fully insured (as outlined on the course) you can offer KCR to your clients.

How soon can I take the next level courses?

There is no required wait period so you can take the next scheduled course Introduction to Connective Tissue. Once this course has been completed then you may progress up the Pathway to Bodywork Mastery as you choose.

I have no previous (bodywork) experience, can I take the class?

Yes, the KCR Level 1 course is designed to accommodate beginners and  experienced practitioners alike.

Can I take the course if I am pregnant?

Yes, however you must inform us in advance by email to and remind the instructors upon arrival at your class. You will be able to perform the techniques but not have them performed on you.

What do I need to bring and wear for the class?

Please bring pen and paper but do not permit electronic devices to be used in class. Wear loose comfortable clothing such as exercise wear. Denim jeans and dresses are not suitable.

Is lunch provided?

We provided tea, coffee, water and biscuits during breaks. There are many nearby options for purchasing lunch – or bring a bagged lunch to eat in the Academy. We do not have kitchen facilities.

Limited Numbers

Our short, intensive one-day course for medical professionals are highly popular. We recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.

Grow Your Business

KCR is such an effective and powerful balance and mobilisation tool our accredited practitioners have found that simple word of mouth about KCR’s effectiveness has created a real boost to earnings.

Become an Accredited Member

Our accredited members enjoy continued support, promotion and and access to a wide range of materials, events and offerings throughout the year.

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KCR Academy
The Byre
Dalgarven Mill
KA13 6PL

Phone: Office hours only – leave a message and one of our team will get back to you shortly.


Mb. (+44) 7500 734646