Hi, my name is Eileen and I live in Glasgow. I have recently retired after 30yrs of Police Service. During my service I received a few injuries that I just couldn’t shake that was until I had my first KCR treatment about 5 years ago.
After my first session I felt like I was floating round the woods walking my dog, I had an amazing sleep and best of all, all the aches and pains I had disappeared
I became very passionate about KCR and recommended it to lots of family, friends and colleagues who had similar amazing and long-lasting results.
I decided to train in KCR initially only to treat family and friends but with all the positive experiences they had after a KCR session with me I decided to deliver KCR as a part time job in my retirement. A complete change of direction for me from 30yrs of public service and I am loving it. I have a beautiful cabin my back garden and through word of mouth my part time business is building up so quickly with lots of wonderful positive outcomes for my clients that I’m almost full time again.
Becoming a KCR Trainer was the next natural step for me, I just want to share this amazing bodywork protocol with my clients, other therapists and the world.
So, if it’s simply to add another tool to your bodywork toolkit or like me a complete change in direction for your career, get in touch and you too can learn this amazing bodywork protocol.