KCR Trainer

Seth Gardner
Director KCR Academy

Hi I’m Seth and I have a multiplicity of KCR related jobs including all things business strategy, marketing, promotion and eduction.

As a Master Trainer and course content creator I will be, at times, delivering or assisting Jane in delivering a range of KCR Pathway to Bodywork Mastery courses at both practitioner and trainer level.

I will be running a series of courses with our Master Trainers with a view to establishing KCR as the Gold Standard Bodywork Modality in the world.

Keep an eye on our social media for more details in 2024.

Contact me directly for course dates: admin@kcracademy.com

KCR Tour 2024

June 29th – 30th – Well Bath, Bath, Somerset, Woolley Ln, Bath BA1 8BA

Denmark – details coming soon.

Course Dates


Mob: 07500 7344646 – Admin Number
KCR Academy

Website & Social

Web: http://www.kcracademy.com