KCR Trainer

Morag Trayner

Hi, I’m Morag, owner of Melt into Balance.

I worked as an Orthopaedic Nurse in the NHS for 38 years and have been a KCR Practitioner since 2015. I was privileged to complete all my formal training with our charismatic founder, Hugh Gilbert.

I have been consistently amazed at the rapid reduction and speedy resolution of pain and physical challenges of my clients with KCR.

I thrive on helping clients to rebalance their bodies and gain relief from chronic pain and injuries. I love the way their quality of life is quickly enhanced and love the fact that many can quickly return to work and the physical activities they enjoy after just a couple of sessions of KCR.

As a seasoned NHS trainer and educator, I am thrilled to now be able to offer the 2-day certified KCR Practitioner training course. KCR gives any practitioner a massive boost in their effectiveness to restore bodies and also their business as clients love the quick and powerful results of KCR. Plus, it’s wonderful to be able to help long suffering friends and family.

Contact me today to book your course in KCR, the Gold Standard Bodywork Protocol, in Edinburgh (and other areas/locations by arrangement).

Course Dates


Email: moragtrayner@gmail.com
Phone: 07989 752158

City: Edinburgh, Scotland